CIJC Announce 2024 Pay Promulgation

The Construction Industry Joint Council (CIJC), whose remit includes agreeing rates of wages and other salaries and fees of building and civil engineering operatives, have published the latest Working Rule Agreement setting the basic minimum pay rates from 24th June 2024.

In summary:

  • General Operative’s weekly rate has increased by more than 6%.
  • Based on a 39 hour week, this sets an Operative’s rate at £11.95 per hour, which is above the National Living Wage (£11.44), but lower than the London Living Wage (£13.15).
  • With effect from the 1st January 2025 the entitlement to industry holidays will be increased from the current 22 days holiday to 23 days holiday. Bank holiday entitlement remains unchanged at 8 days.

Full details of the settlement are set out in the new Promulgation document which is available on the CIJC website: