News & Thoughts

Medium-sized Business Fund Pilot
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is planning a small-scale pilot for Medium-sized employers – i.e. those with between 100 and 250 employees. If selected

Wider Wallet – a new membership benefits website
The National Association of Shopfitters (NAS) is pleased to announce the launch of the Wider Wallet Benefits Hub — a new membership benefits website for the NAS.

Shopfitting and Sustainability Survey
The NAS has teamed up with a leading raw materials manufacturer and a market research company to look at sustainability trends within the shopfitting industry.

Tendering in the Heritage Exhibition Sector
Studio MB has worked on numerous prestigious projects for museums, visitor centres and brand experiences across the UK and abroad. In our experience, the

Construction and fit-out – an interior designers’ insight
I have been an interior designer since 1982. My first boss was a contractor, he called me just a few weeks ago, he had

Emergency Lighting Compliance
Emergency lighting is now, more than ever, a key business compliance agenda item. Emergency lighting compliance is essential for corporate governance which not only requires

NAS Director attends Brexit Business Readiness Forum
James Filus, Director of the NAS, visited Westminster on Thursday 12 September 2019 to listen to a keynote speech from the Rt Hon Michael Gove

NAS joins Build UK as a Trade Association Member
The National Association of Shopfitters (NAS) is delighted to have joined Build UK as a Trade Association Member. Build UK brings together businesses from across the construction

Being a school governor: Four different insights from Triplar and the NAS
At school, extracurricular activities are always encouraged – they’ll look good on your college or university application, they’ll add another dimension to your CV, they’ll