Sector: NAS General Partners

Lighthouse Club

The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is the only charity that provides emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to construction workers and their families.

Supply Chain Sustainability School

The Supply Chain Sustainability School is an award winning, industry wide collaboration, providing learning materials to support sustainability in the construction sector.


The leading authority on asbestos training, a not for profit association established in 2008 to be recognised as the asbestos industry’s most eminent training association.

Thorn Baker Construction

When it comes to finding talent for your team we’re as passionate as you are. With all the specialist know-how you need, Thorn Baker Construction makes things happen. It’s that simple.


Fleetmaxx offer a wide range of fuel cards, bulk fuel and adblue solutions, to suit all fuelling requirements.

Holmes & Hills Solicitors

Holmes & Hills Solicitors are the national legal partners to the NAS, offering members benefits including free initial consultations and preferential legal fees.


The Timber Research and Development Association inspires and informs best practice design, specification and use of wood in the built environment.

BSI (British Standards Institute)

BSI is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. It produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services.

Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies is the leader in digital transformation, providing digital technology solutions, products, and services to drive business success.


Offers the simplest, fastest, and lowest priced means of achieving Health & Safety Approval with an SSIP Registered Member Scheme.